Université de Lille 1
UFR de Mathématiques
Bâtiment M2
By flight: Lille Lesquin Airport does have a few international flights and there are shuttle services which will take you to the Lille Flandres station in 20 minutes. This service runs hourly from 07h30 to 20h00, or you can take a taxi
By train: there are two railways stations in Lille : Lille-Flandres and Lille-Europe, about 400m from each other. Lille-Europe station is a transit station for TGVs from every region in France, and you can also catch the London or Brussels Eurostar, there. Some TGVs coming from Paris and continuing to the coast may also stop there. Lille-Flandres station is the final stop for TGVs arriving from the Gare du Nord in Paris.To arrive to the campus from Lille, you should use the metro Line 1 and to stop at "Cité Scientifique". Here you can find a campus map.